Når det butter litt eller du står fast i utfordringer vedrørende helse - jobb - eller samliv, jeg hjelper deg få tak i egne ressurser og komme på rett vei igjen .
Kanskje opplever du:
Jeg driver egen praksis som terapeut, veileder og konsulent og tilbyr tjenester innen psykoterapi og selvutvikling/ selvledelse
Min spesialkompetanse er samspillet mellom kropp og sjel, og hvordan undertrykte følelser kan sette seg i kroppen og hindre det frie uttrykket.
Terapi og coaching hos meg kan hjelpe deg forløse fastlåste mønstre og spenninger i kroppen og du kan få en sterkere tilknytning til deg selv og dine egne muligheter og ressurser. Videre har jeg også arbeidet lenge med muskelskjelettplager og smerter og sykdommer som forårsakes av stress.
Livet i dag er intenst og krevende og vi presser oss maksimalt til å nå målene våre på bekostning av hva kroppen vår sier om at nå er jeg trett og sliten og trenger en "time out" til bare å ta vare på meg selv; til bare å VÆRE.
I stedet overkjører vi kroppens stemme og kjører på! Det tærer på både innsiden og utsiden og tilslutt streiker kroppen. Først ved små signaler og hvis vi unngår dem, ved at vi blir syke eller går på en smell slik at vi bare må stoppe opp.
Jeg tilbyr deg Revitaliseringsprogram som støtter deg i å gjenopprette og styrke din forbindelse med dine naturlige og nærende måter og lede deg selv på, hvor veiledning og coaching er hovedverktøy.
Mange opplever dette som "en indre ro, deilig og avslappende, som å være tilstede i kroppen, som å lande i kroppen, som om tempoet går ned og de kan tenke klarere, som mere energi".
Hvis du er interessert og/eller ønsker å finne ut mere om Terapien, Re-vitaliseringsprogrammet eller Check inn- Finn Roen gruppen, vennligst ta kontakt via "Kontakt meg" linken øverst på profilen.
Du kan også melde deg på Check inn - Find Roen via den grønne "Les mer" knappen.
Councelling available in both Norwegian and English!
Veiledning gjennom den gode fortrolige samtalen sammen med kroppsorientert arbeide om ønskelig
Revitaliseringsprogrammet består av 8 sessions og alt i mellom - 8 sessions over 2-6 måneder avhengig av hva din kropp og du ber om og trenger og hva som passer din scedule.
Timene inkluderer :
Samarbeid med Bogstadveien Legevakt
Tverrkulturelle problemstillinger og kulturell identitet
Norsk Forbund for Psykoterapi - NFP
European Association for Psychotherapy - EAP
Norsk Forbund for Danseterapi og Kreative kroppsuttrykk - NODAK
"Five months ago I felt very scared, uncertain and continually sad I could not sleep during night , was lying awake and was having disturbing thoughts and chatter that would not stop making me very tired and exhausted during day time. Following my therapy with Ann-Brit I am a total different person. Being able to open up and talk aloud about my thoughts and feelings have given me so much ! I feel glad, I sleep during night and I feel much lighter inside. I have found back to myself again . It`s also safe to know that if things become difficult again I can always come back . " - Les mer Les mindre
"During councelling with Ann-Brit I came to understand that I in fact have the right to feel what I feel .This has made me more clear and also in relation to my husband and other people. I now see clearly the part I have played and we are now talking much better with each other and I see hope for our marriage .Thank you very much Ann-Brit !”" - Les mer Les mindre
"Following a marriage break-up I experienced the ground under my feet disappearing . I was weighted down by a sack of feelings like longing,sadness,bitterness,anger,and hopelessness . Already during my first session with Ann-Brit I felt some of the weight and heavyness disappear. She helped me loosen up i n the tight knot of emotions feelings which I was trapped inside. In addition she gave me the support I needed to find back to my self confidence / safety within myself in myself /tryggheten i meg selv . Thanks to Ann-Brits help, I am today a more confident person with better self insight / awareness and a greater trust to life. Thousen thank you ! " - Les mer Les mindre
"Ann-Brit has a natural ability to help me relax and just be myself …There seem to be no expectations about being or feeling anything but what I in fact feel …." - Les mer Les mindre
"Ann-Brit , You are such a person who fills other people up with energy ! But I assume you must fill up yourself sometime….? " - Les mer Les mindre
"”I don`t know what she is doing but I am resting so well when I am receiving massage treatment from AB .My body and expecially my throat ,feels like healing and like I m being filled up of energy and vitality. This is a kind of massage different to any massage I have had before . I feel more in flow and experience more peace and calm .I feel more present following the massage and know what I want to do. The treatment has been very important in relation to launching of my video 3 in `The new way of selling ` If you saw my launching 3.rd-17th January you probably noticed the difference between video 1 and 3.” " - Les mer Les mindre
"It`s not all therapists it`s easy to feel trust with and open up for and show my vulnerability for .With Ann-Brit this felt simple and easy I made 3 miles steps within few weeks and thereby possibly also saving my marriage …." - Les mer Les mindre
"It gives me a lot to come and speak with you Ann-Brit You are a person I can trust, and who listens to what I have to say . I can discuss and reflect together with you and you understand more than `ordinary `people. Together with you I can throw off my mask `and I can show I am vulnerable.I dare to think aloud with you and you help me understand things better. You also make me feel I am valuable and that my thoughts and meanings are important. You have also helped me become calmer and more peaceful within myself. " - Les mer Les mindre
"I am so greatful for these two treatments you have given me the last week. I feel a greater inner peace and it is sooooo good . I don`t need anymore in a way My body feels so good now. It`s hard to describe what I experienced in treatment with you but I will try .It is like you cared for my body in a way my body enjoyed .I got my tempo down , my body got necessary and needed rest and I got into harmony with myself . It also looks like this has helped me in presenting a video I did this week . I got more vital energy and at the same time more stillness,peace calm. " - Les mer Les mindre
"”It`s the first time in my life I have been met by someone ; ie I now understand the true meaning of being met . I felt seen and understood and a genuine interest in me and what I was struggling with . Ann-Brit helped me find the best version of my self and I am her forever greatful !”" - Les mer Les mindre
"” Just by talking to you I feel you have what is needed to help me avoid becoming burnt out again . ” " - Les mer Les mindre