Marike Stassar - Coach, Veileder, Mentaltrener

Marike Stassar

Coach, Veileder, Mentaltrener

7 referanser


Empowerment coaching and guidance Marike Stassar - Coach, Veileder, Mentaltrener



Hi, I am Marike and my passion is coaching, teaching and mentoring using the in-depth knowledge and expertise that my personal and professional journey has given me.

I have a gift of immediately seeing your highest potential and possibilities for your personal and professional life. I know that you are capable of so much more than you think yourself!

I offer empowerment coaching and guidance in Norwegian and English.


Many people tell me that they are holding back in doing what they really want in life because of a lack of self-confidence, direction, finances and know-how.


I have spent a lifetime getting beyond these feelings before I could really feel free and do what I love doing, so I created the Free & Empowered method.

This 3-step method has proven itself over and over again.

Once you learn these steps, you will know what your gift and purpose are in life and how to tap into your highest potential. Nothing will hold you back anymore from living the life you really desire.


“The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be!” – Oprah Winfrey


About me:

  • Certified NLP Master Practitioner and trained intuitive coach.
  • Teacher in personal & spiritual development.
  • Co-author of the book “life after trauma” with Andrea Pennington.
  • Ph.D. in Medical Biology and certified Prince2 Practitioner.
  • Several leader positions in both big and small corporate businesses.


Feel free to order an introductory session (prøvetime), where we can find out what we can mean for each other.


Welcome!! I am really looking forward to assist you on your journey towards an empowered life & business that are filled with passion and joy! 


Lene - "Bare at å bli kjent med deg er det beste som har hendt meg på lang tid. Er alltid mye gladere inni meg etter en coaching time med deg. Du har gitt meg troen tilbake på meg selv:) Jeg har likt timene og fått noen aha opplevelser. Føler du har sett meg og bryr deg. Jeg føler meg sterkere inni meg, reflektert mye mer, blitt litt mer bevisst og mer glad i meg selv og aksepterer og stoler mer på meg selv og mine valg."  Les mer  Les mindre

Henning - "As the subjects to be discussed are very personal and sensitive I was worried they would be difficult to discuss and explore. However, the coaching sessions were open, constructive and meaningful and I found it easy to talk to you about them. You are very competent and knowledgeable. You helped me understand and set words to thoughts and knowledge I already possessed but was unable to access in a good way."  Les mer  Les mindre

Jennifer - ""Marike was a guide during a time when I wanted help to navigate my journey. Her focus, authenticity and way of keeping the room a “safe place” made it easy to be open and challenge myself to stretch. Without a doubt, meditation is one of her gifts and she often incorporated it into our sessions, even customizing and creating new ones as needed. I feel more at peace with life and am grateful for her coaching.""  Les mer  Les mindre

Ane - ""Hun er utrolig god på å komme til kjernen av utfordringen og virker trygg i sin profesjon. Jeg har vært så heldig å få hjelp fra Marike på flere områder i livet, men den mest merkbare endringen jeg har fått ved hjelp av hennes coaching er trygghet på meg seg. Jeg bekymrer meg mindre, og er mer tilstede "her og nå". Hun er en varm og tilstedeværende coach med et inderlig ønske å hjelpe mennesker som strever""  Les mer  Les mindre

Zarina - ""Coaching hos Marike hjalp meg å ta viktige beslutninger og prioriteringer, og for meg var dette mitt liv og helse. Jeg vil absolutt anbefale Marike som Coach. Marike er innviet/devoted, entusiastisk med masse kunnskap, hjelper å ta beslutning, veivalg, måloppnåelse, healing, meditasjon, pusteteknikker, stressmestring og mye mye mer. Jeg føler meg blessed at Marike var min Coach""  Les mer  Les mindre

Truls - ""Marike is an openminded and dedicated coach with high qualities and strong human values, like respect, nonjudgement and generosity. My personal experience was her genuine interest and belief to develope my potensial in private and working life. Her style is curiosity, confidence and trust in coachees possibilities. Marike helped me identify and create my personal goals and challenge my Mindset limitations on the way to my vision. I will highly recommend Marike as your personal coach to help you make valuable changes""  Les mer  Les mindre

Dag - ""Jeg opplevde at Marike var veldig tilstede og hadde meg i fokus under sin coaching. En av de kraftigste opplevelsene jeg hadde var å få utfordret ordvalget jeg hadde i min indre dialog. Ved å bli sparret på dette opplevde jeg at jeg nå kunne bruke mitt fokus på rett sted, i stedet for på en merkelapp jeg hadde benyttet frem til nå. Dette har gitt meg en mer riktig retning og forståelse for min egen utvikling. Jeg vil anbefale Marike spesielt til de som ønsker å utfordre sine overbevisninger og begrensninger for å få økt klarhet og mer glede i hverdagen. Hun er lyttende, oppmerksom, har en god energi og har en stor passion for å hjelpe andre.""  Les mer  Les mindre

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